Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Winter Cardinals

The bottom artist a 3rd grader; the top artist is in Kindergarten, so this lesson is great for all ages and talents.

This project is great for the winter! I give the students a funny shaped template that is just the outline of the bird. Most students don't know what the shape is. I have them draw the side wing, tail, and legs. The branch is added with pencil and the berries and leaves were the students ideas. The sky and bird can be colored with colored pencil or crayon, making sure to press hard when coloring the branch. I usually give students inspiration in the form of printed images of cardinals and branches.

Owl Drawings

Owl Drawings

This owl drawing begins with color photos of real owls as research and inspiration.  I often encourage the combining of elements from two different photos for individual drawings.  For example, the branches of one photo and the owl of another photo.  Start by drawing branches for for the owl to perch, one in foreground, one in background.  By drawing the owl lightly with pencil, make sure that the tail is 1/3 or 1/4 the length of the owl itself, and the tail hangs down below the branch it is sitting on.  Discuss symmetrical eyes and talons. I use this as a chance to work on drawing branches, suggesting thick to thin lines, long and short lines. Finish by layering colored pencil.